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Vintage Grandma Trinket Box

Vintage Grandma Trinket Box

How about a Mothers Day gift for Grandma? This mirrored gift box is sure to please!


#15-0200 Armour Glass Etching Cream

#28-50726 inch Scalloped round mirror

#31-0401 Beige stencil vinyl masking

#31-0451 Clear stencil vinyl masking

#08-9606 Brushes

#08-9999 Gloves

#08-9415 Masking Tape

#15-0315 Glass cleaner

#85-2146 Stylus/burnisher

#85-2108 Hobby Knife set

#08-9777 Scissors

8 inch round Chipwood box (you could also use a paper mache box)

3/16 inch Rose colored Satin picot ribbon

Pink 5 ml strand pearls

Pink satin hand rolled roses w/ gold trim

Ivory gimp braid trim

Vintage Scrap-booking papers 12 x12 inch coordinated sheets (I used a dotted distressed pink and ivory paper and a matching striped paper)

Paper towels


Tape measure



1. Clean mirror with glass cleaner

2. Cut out stencil on a scrapbooking machine or cut with a die cutter on the beige vinyl. Cover over the top with a piece of clear vinyl to hold the stencil together. Rub over the vinyl well until all the the beige vinyl sticks to it.

3. Peel off paper backing from backside of stencil, making sure all cut pieces remain intact to the clear sheet and apply sticky side down to center of the scalloped mirror.

4. Pick out the pieces to be etched with the stylus

5. Cover all areas of the exposed mirror not to be etched with masking tape, overlapping all edges.

6. Put on the gloves. PAT the Etch cream on to the stencil. DO NOT brush like you are painting. Directions can also be found on this website.View the directions and How To Videos HERE.

7. Leave the Etch Cream on the stencil for 5 minutes

8. Rinse off all the Etch Cream under running warm water until no visible cream remains. Remove the stencil and rinse until clear. Pat the mirror dry with paper towels,

Making the box:

1. Place lid on chipwood box. Make a pencil line around the side of the box where the lid meets the bottom.

2. Measure with a ruler the width from the pencil line down to the bottom of the box and add 1/2 inch to measurement. Make note of this measurement.

3. Measure circumference of box with a tape measure, add 1/2 inch to measurement. Make note of this measurement.

4. Cut two 12 inch strips of the distressed pink scrap-booking paper and two 12 inch strips of the striped paper according to your measurements.

5. Since a single strip of paper will not be long enough to completely go around the side of the box, divide your length measurements by 2. Cut two strips of each color paper by this length and width you recorded. Each strip will cover half the box.

6. Working quickly before glue dries, spread a thin layer of the Gem-Tac glue with a brush to one half of the side of the box below the pencil line. Apply paper strip to glued area and press down. (Paper will be hanging over edge of box by a bit. Repeat for other half of box. Overlap edges of paper where they meet and glue edges.

7. Follow steps 2 through 6 for side of the lid, using the striped paper (Paper will be hanging over edge of box by a 1/8 inch). Let dry completely.

8. Trim excess paper hanging over edge of the bottom of the box and the lid with scissors.

9. Lay lid down on backside of the distressed pink paper and trace onto paper. Cut circle out with scissors, 1/8" smaller than pencil line. Trim to fit lid if needed.

10. Spread glue to top of the lid and apply the paper the same way you did to the sides. Let dry.

11. Remove the rubber feet from the back of the mirror using the blunt edged blade on your craft knife. Apply Quick Grip glue to the back of the mirror, four dabs in from the edges and one in the middle and gently press down on the center of the lid.

12. With your Hot Fix wand, apply the pink rhinestones to centers of the flowers on the etching.

13. Squeeze a line of Gem-Tac glue and apply the pink pearls, gimp braid, roses, ribbon and bows to the locations shown in the picture and allow to dry.

Article Posted: 02/12/2018 04:57:23 PM

Vintage Grandma Trinket Box
Vintage Grandma Trinket Box
Vintage Grandma Trinket Box
Phone: (973) 423-4002
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