But First, Coffee!
Remind them everything has to wait in line, right now, it’s coffee time with this trendy But First, Coffee mug and pot set. Create a tribute to your morning ritual with the Upper and Lowercase Alphabet and What’s Cooking Over and Over Glass Etching Stencil Sheets and Sand Etch Glass Etching Kit. Get crafty in the kitchen on everyday glass to produce beautiful pieces of functional art!
- 70-9001 Sand Etch Kit
- 70-9007 Inflate A Booth
- 21-1607 Over N Over Stencil UPPERCASE ALPHABET
- 21-1608 Over N Over Stencil- LOWERCASE ALPHABET
- 21-1674 Over N Over Stencil - WHATS COOKING
- 60-3570 8oz. Coffee Mug
- Coffee Pot
Additional Materials
Preparation and Usage Starting Skills
Project Steps
- After preparing the glass, position the coffee cup stencil in the center of your design area. Place the letters around the coffee cup, beginning with the letters in the middle of the phrase or word and working outward. See the lettering tutorial if necessary.
- Follow the instructions to inflate the Inflate a Booth. Follow the Sand Etch Kit directions to etch the design onto the mug and coffee pot. Watch the Sand Etch tutorial if necessary.
Article Posted: 08/07/2021 07:22:36 PM