Springtime Serving Dish
Nothing welcomes the change of season like tablescapes bursting with springtime joy! Give all your counters and corners a breath of fresh dιcor
with the Welcome Spring Over N Over Glass Etching Stencil Sheet and our Armour Etch Glass Etching Cream. Pack up the cold days of hearty winter soups and stews and bring out the meals full of garden fresh, crisp and juicy!
- 15-0200 Armour Etch Glass Etching Cream
- 21-1752 Over N Over Stencil Sheet- Welcome Spring
- Textured Glass Serving Dish
Additional Materials
Preparation and Usage Starting Skills
Project Steps
- -Please Note- Not all serving dishes can be etched with cream. Always test first before beginning any project.
- -After preparing the glass, position the banner stencils along the slender sides of the dish and on the top edge of the divider. Place two spring stencils into the bowl area of the serving dish.
- -Follow the etching cream instructions to etch the designs onto the serving dish.
Article Posted: 01/15/2024 11:57:43 AM